Our NSC IT Services and Rates:

For small businesses and start-up corporations our rates can't be beat! To get your small business upgraded for today's spending customer we offer:

(1) Professional website/domain creation with integrated social network links and online payment options our fee is $500. A non-refundable $250 for the week work on the site is required up front  with additional $60 for website monetizing and domain security. Payment can be made via PayPal link: nubiansufihealingministries@gmail.com through our Customer Service Portal. Live Service is from 9am to 9pm. After that you can submit an order in the chat and contact number and best time to call. Upon your first payment,you will instantly receive an invoice and faxed or emailed a receipt depending on the day and time of the payment. If you the client are satisfied with the work then the remaining $250 is required if the account and all its  username, passwords and financial data is to be leased to customer. If the client is not satisfied with the site then he or she does not have to pay the remaining $250 and the client will get a free pro-social network page of their choice, Facebook or Twitter. Also you the customer, the client will be refunded your $60 for the website monetizing and domain security less than a week following your first payment since those funds never made it to locking in the created business website of your God given right satisfaction.

(2)Professional 30 to 45 second monetized YouTube or Digital commercial integrated into your professional website and your business' already created social network profile or page. The video will have a 1,000 viewer package and global client audience ready programming. The cost for this $150 if you choose this feature.

(3)Many business stuck on the old school way of receiving cash for customers and clients loose out on 50% of fresh spending revenue daily and nightly due to lack of upgraded payment receiving services. Less people spend cash in public anymore and have either switched to debit cards or pay online. We at Nubian Sufi.Com said we had to help financially and digitally re-educate struggling businesses owners and bring them these state of the art global income receiving technology. You the client want to bring your business' cash intake into the 21st century we offer Payment process services. The rates are negotiable!

(4) Wholesale Computer ordering for your businesses should be a must. Your business or company can get the most up date computers, desk,laptop,Windows or Mac ordered through Nubian Sufi.Com reps visiting your business or online through our customer service. We only sale wholesale to businesses. A wholesale order range anywhere from $4800(4 Macs and up computers) to $144,000(12 Macs or 12  $1200 and up computers). A 10% discount goes to the client who orders 12 or more $1200 and up price range computers.

(5) There is a $50.00 IT appointment-presentation fee for our NSC B2B Sales Rep/Executive for a limit of 30 minutes. This fee will guarantee a preserved time so he/she will clear their schedule and arrange their gas/taxi travel for the time            and day of their initial visitation. If during or after the appointment-presentation, you the business owner decide to patronize our services or purchase our hosted products that same business day,we will swiftly refund you the said $50.00.  However,there will be no refund if you decide to patronize or purchase a day after our B2B Sales Rep/Executive first visited your business or home.


      NSC Global Marketing Consultants

(6) We do provide years long experience global marketing wisdom and cross networking IT assistance through our NSC Global Marketing consultants. These professionals are always on high demand locally, nationally and internationally and online or offline/face to face via appointment so there time is very much valuable. For this reason each consultant requires a temporary client contract with a non-refundable retainer fee  paid that same day.We always grant you as the potential client a 10 minute free to face  or Skype consultation with  a  NSC consultant first to see if their wisdom fits your needs and agrees with the spirit of your business. If the NSC Consultant fits your needs then we take the next following steps.

*NSC Global Marketing Consulting Fees*

Our NSC Global Marketing Consultant Fees provides Wisdom that inspires real, solid  long-term sustainable improvements for your business
• $1,995.00 plus travel related expenses limited to air flight, hotel, rental car, fuel, and $52.00 per diem.

On-Site NSC GM Consulting  Fee :
• $8,000.00 per week plus travel related expenses limited to air flight, hotel, rental car, fuel and $52.00 per diem.
• $10,000.00 per week including all travel related expenses.

NSC GM E-Consulting Monthly Retainer Fee:
This fee is for paid for blocks of time for consulting and coaching via telephone, e-mail, and web conference calls. One block is  one hour of time, there is a discount for whole sale purchased blocks.

• 1-Hour NS GM Face-To-Face or Virtual Consulting Block $225.00 per hour
• 2-Hour NSC GM Face-To-Face or Virtual Consulting Block $220.00 per hour
• 4-Hour NSC GM Face-To-Face or Virtual Consulting Block $215.00 per hour
• 8-Hour NSC GM Face-To-Face  or Virtual Consulting Block $210.00 per hour
• 12-Hour  NSC GM Face-To-Face or Virtual Consulting Block $205.00 per hour
• 16-Hour NSC GM Face-To-Face or Virtual Consulting Block $200.00 per hour

Hourly Consulting Pay-As-You-Go Fee :
NSC Global Marketing Consultants rate of $220.00 per hour is for  work done for clients on the field. Miscellaneous out-of-pocket expenses including travel expenses for air flight fee, hotel, rental vehicle, fuel, and $55.00 per diem.

Nubian Sufi.Com IT Services

$ 560.00 USD

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